WEBVTT 00:04.940 --> 00:07.780 As a group we've we've talked , um , a 00:07.780 --> 00:09.947 lot about , you know , what what's our 00:09.947 --> 00:13.329 story because it's just so much and for 00:13.500 --> 00:15.979 every individual , the story is just a 00:15.979 --> 00:18.270 bit different and for every family the 00:18.270 --> 00:20.409 story is a bit different as well . 00:22.440 --> 00:24.551 But I , I , I think probably the most 00:24.551 --> 00:26.940 impressive thing is that if you take a 00:26.940 --> 00:28.829 well-trained group of marines and 00:28.829 --> 00:31.190 sailors and you give them the equipment 00:31.190 --> 00:34.259 they need to operate and deploy , you 00:34.259 --> 00:37.110 literally can do anything . 01:09.029 --> 01:11.550 Them is a uniquely structured crisis 01:11.550 --> 01:13.717 response force that has the ability to 01:13.717 --> 01:16.150 react or respond to different missions 01:16.150 --> 01:18.230 or operations across the spectrum of 01:18.230 --> 01:21.150 military operations , from humanitarian 01:21.150 --> 01:23.830 assistance to wartime and conflict . 01:24.349 --> 01:26.293 From a logistics perspective , the 01:26.293 --> 01:28.550 ability to self-sustain for 15 days is 01:28.550 --> 01:30.772 reflective of the incredible capability 01:30.772 --> 01:33.610 that the mu can provide . My experience 01:33.610 --> 01:35.839 with the 15th Muu has highlighted the , 01:35.900 --> 01:38.330 the formidable capability that the Mw 01:38.330 --> 01:40.108 provides across the spectrum of 01:40.108 --> 01:42.290 operations . The 15th m is composed of 01:42.290 --> 01:44.512 uh BLT 15 , which provides our infantry 01:44.512 --> 01:45.512 battalion . 01:48.470 --> 01:50.480 CLB 15 , uh , which provides our 01:50.480 --> 01:51.813 logistics , battalion . 01:55.040 --> 01:58.510 VMM 165 , which provide our rotary wing 01:58.510 --> 01:59.510 support . 02:02.669 --> 02:05.250 And VMFA 225 , which provide our fixed 02:05.250 --> 02:06.559 wing uh support . 02:09.369 --> 02:11.202 As well as Recon Company and the 02:11.202 --> 02:12.202 command element . 02:19.199 --> 02:22.039 After forming in June 2023 , the 15thm 02:22.039 --> 02:24.470 conducted key training exercises ashore 02:24.470 --> 02:26.637 and embarked aboard the three ships of 02:26.637 --> 02:28.637 the Boxer amphibious Ready Group to 02:28.637 --> 02:32.220 prepare for deployment . The 02:32.220 --> 02:34.387 pre-deployment training prepared us in 02:34.387 --> 02:36.609 a way that you could only get it out of 02:36.609 --> 02:38.831 repetitions practice working with other 02:38.831 --> 02:41.419 MSEs and actually like accomplishing 02:41.419 --> 02:43.586 those missions is the only way that we 02:43.586 --> 02:45.363 were able to actually improve . 02:48.059 --> 02:50.281 The more time we had on the boat on the 02:50.281 --> 02:52.392 flight deck , the more we got used to 02:52.392 --> 02:54.503 living this life , the more we , uh , 02:54.503 --> 02:56.559 we learned how to talk with our navy 02:56.559 --> 02:58.781 counterparts , the more we just learned 02:58.781 --> 02:58.210 how to live the boat life . 03:03.779 --> 03:06.160 The biggest difference I saw from Rutt 03:06.160 --> 03:08.759 in the last ship period was the 03:08.759 --> 03:11.960 confidence in my junior Marines and 03:11.960 --> 03:14.071 stepping up into that that leadership 03:14.071 --> 03:16.440 role that we want them to step up into . 03:22.100 --> 03:24.860 In January 2024 , the Somerset became 03:24.860 --> 03:26.693 the first ship to set out on the 03:26.693 --> 03:28.804 deployment with more than 600 Marines 03:28.804 --> 03:32.479 and sailors of the 15th mute . I 03:32.479 --> 03:34.479 think when the force found out that 03:34.479 --> 03:37.029 they were gonna get to go in January , 03:37.380 --> 03:39.602 I think there was a lot of excitement . 03:39.602 --> 03:41.824 I , we almost didn't have time to think 03:41.824 --> 03:43.824 about what does that mean ? We just 03:43.824 --> 03:46.047 knew we were the lucky ones that got to 03:46.047 --> 03:48.213 go and get into the fight and get into 03:48.213 --> 03:48.149 paycom and start doing exercises , 03:48.220 --> 03:50.331 start doing the stuff that we've been 03:50.331 --> 03:52.442 training to do for the last 2 years . 03:52.869 --> 03:54.980 So I think it was a mix of excitement 03:54.980 --> 03:57.449 but also unknowns . Um , because we did 03:57.449 --> 03:59.671 have a really big exercise to get ready 03:59.671 --> 04:01.838 for Cobra Gold is huge , which I think 04:01.838 --> 04:03.949 we loved like that , like give us the 04:03.949 --> 04:06.171 challenge , like that's what we wanna , 04:06.171 --> 04:05.660 that's what we wanna do . Don't give me 04:05.660 --> 04:07.716 the easy mission . Give me the tough 04:07.716 --> 04:07.380 one . 04:48.250 --> 04:49.459 Ready ? Yeah 04:56.130 --> 04:58.459 In March 2024 , the Harpers Ferry 04:58.459 --> 05:00.626 departed San Diego to link up with the 05:00.626 --> 05:03.329 Somerset for exercise Battle Catan . It 05:03.329 --> 05:05.496 would be the first opportunity for the 05:05.496 --> 05:07.218 Marine Corps to employ its new 05:07.218 --> 05:09.273 amphibious combat vehicle overseas . 05:10.910 --> 05:13.920 ACVs were utilized during Balaatan for 05:13.920 --> 05:15.970 bilateral training with with the 05:15.970 --> 05:18.137 Fillmar . Wrapped up in that operation 05:18.137 --> 05:20.359 uh was one , the first splash Oconus of 05:20.359 --> 05:22.890 ACVs immediately followed by the first 05:22.890 --> 05:24.600 waterborne gunnery range . 06:00.760 --> 06:03.359 In April 2024 , the Boxer's deployment 06:03.359 --> 06:05.720 was delayed , forcing the 15thm to 06:05.720 --> 06:07.831 adapt how it would support operations 06:07.831 --> 06:10.570 across the Indo-Pacific region . It 06:10.579 --> 06:12.579 became clear that that was that was 06:12.579 --> 06:14.746 gonna be a little bit different , uh , 06:14.746 --> 06:16.857 set up for the ships in Indopecom and 06:16.857 --> 06:18.859 it's let's look at , look at our 06:18.859 --> 06:21.260 processes , look at what lessons are we 06:21.260 --> 06:23.093 learning from these first couple 06:23.093 --> 06:25.940 exercises that we've done because now 06:25.940 --> 06:28.107 we've got a lot more to do and we need 06:28.107 --> 06:30.529 to be able to sustain this performance 06:30.920 --> 06:33.820 not just for 1 or 2 or 3 exercises but 06:33.820 --> 06:35.019 for like 7 . 07:19.670 --> 07:21.559 The Somerset arrived in Hawaii to 07:21.559 --> 07:23.940 participate in RIM in the Pacific 2024 , 07:24.149 --> 07:26.038 its final exercise where it would 07:26.038 --> 07:28.205 briefly meet up with the boxer for the 07:28.205 --> 07:30.316 first time underway . During RIMPAC , 07:30.380 --> 07:32.602 the world's largest maritime exercise , 07:32.602 --> 07:34.547 the 15th Mull conducted integrated 07:34.547 --> 07:36.769 training alongside 12 partner nations . 08:03.540 --> 08:05.540 As the Somerset returned home , the 08:05.540 --> 08:07.540 boxers set out for Korea to link up 08:07.540 --> 08:09.651 with the Harpers Ferry for a month of 08:09.651 --> 08:11.651 combined unit level training and to 08:11.651 --> 08:13.429 participate in Sang Yong 2024 . 08:40.719 --> 08:43.719 It's really our goal for Seyon 24 was 08:43.719 --> 08:45.941 to strengthen our relationship with the 08:45.941 --> 08:49.229 Republic of Korea , Marines and Navy , 08:49.520 --> 08:51.760 as well as integrating not only the 08:51.760 --> 08:53.871 Marine Corps but the amphibious force 08:53.871 --> 08:54.871 as a whole . 09:21.609 --> 09:23.776 As the Harper's Ferry began the voyage 09:23.776 --> 09:25.998 home after Sang Young , Boxer said it's 09:25.998 --> 09:28.053 focus on the Philippines . However , 09:28.053 --> 09:29.887 Super Typhoon Krathon struck the 09:29.887 --> 09:31.998 Batanes Islands in the Luzon Strait . 09:31.998 --> 09:34.165 As a ready crisis response force , the 09:34.165 --> 09:36.165 15th view was called to support our 09:36.165 --> 09:37.165 Filipino allies . 10:07.770 --> 10:09.820 Within a couple of days we had to 10:09.820 --> 10:12.200 transition directly into an exercise . 10:12.570 --> 10:14.681 Uh , you read about it in the history 10:14.681 --> 10:16.792 books about muses doing two things at 10:16.792 --> 10:18.626 once , and this muse was able to 10:18.626 --> 10:20.848 demonstrate that , uh , when it came to 10:20.848 --> 10:22.903 the humanitarian assistance disaster 10:22.903 --> 10:25.070 relief , uh , immediately into coastal 10:25.070 --> 10:27.237 life for our defense with our partners 10:27.237 --> 10:29.070 hundreds of miles to the south . 10:55.969 --> 10:56.969 I . 11:01.700 --> 11:05.460 Yes . The boxers returned to San 11:05.460 --> 11:07.516 Diego marked the end of 11 months of 11:07.516 --> 11:09.738 deployed operations across the 15thmw . 11:10.140 --> 11:12.251 For the first time in nearly a year , 11:12.251 --> 11:16.179 the entire force was reunited . To 11:16.179 --> 11:18.346 be America's vanguard , one , you have 11:18.346 --> 11:21.409 to be ready . 2 , you have to be there 11:21.409 --> 11:23.500 and be forward to be relevant . You 11:23.500 --> 11:25.500 have to have the capability to deal 11:25.500 --> 11:27.556 with all the problems that the world 11:27.556 --> 11:29.667 might throw at you . I think we meant 11:29.667 --> 11:32.780 that definition to the letter . In the 11:32.780 --> 11:34.947 time that we were in theater within an 11:34.947 --> 11:37.599 opaquecom , the US military conducted 11:37.599 --> 11:39.820 400 operations , activities and 11:39.820 --> 11:43.140 investments . 84 of them were ours , so 11:43.140 --> 11:45.500 we can account for almost a quarter of 11:45.500 --> 11:48.500 all actions in theater with our 2500 11:48.500 --> 11:52.440 man force . The circumstances is 11:52.440 --> 11:54.679 what made us different and when you 11:54.679 --> 11:57.000 take that skill and you add in the will 11:57.000 --> 11:59.111 and the perseverance , the resiliency 11:59.111 --> 12:01.278 that this force is built over time , I 12:01.278 --> 12:03.278 think you get something special and 12:03.278 --> 12:05.444 that's , that's what I'm most proud of 12:05.444 --> 12:07.611 with this team . There wasn't a single 12:07.611 --> 12:10.000 problem during the deployment or during 12:10.000 --> 12:12.719 the PTP , no matter how hard it got 12:12.719 --> 12:14.830 that we couldn't figure out an answer 12:14.830 --> 12:17.520 to . It was just expected . 12:18.729 --> 12:21.090 If I were the adversaries , I'd be 12:21.090 --> 12:24.140 concerned . I , if I was them I'd 12:24.140 --> 12:26.362 probably be grateful that we're finally 12:26.362 --> 12:25.539 home .